Motor Neurone Disease

Motor neurone disease is really a rare, progressive disease affecting thenerves within the brain and spinal-cord that supply the muscles from the body. This leads to weakness from the muscles and reduced function.
The control over motor neurone disease includes; exercises and stretching, joint care, positioning, the supply of aids and equipment, and breathing exercises. Through physiotherapy we try to maintain your quality of life provided possible.
Motor neurone disease (MND) is really a term used to describe an organization ofrelated diseases that affect the motor neurones within the brain and spinal-cord. Motor neurones are the nerve cells along that the brain transmits instructions towards the muscles. Therefore, degeneration from the motor neurones leads to weakness and wasting of muscles.
Motor neurone disease is most typical among people aged Fifty to seventy, and affects men a little more than women.

Effects of Motor Neurone Disease
The the signs of motor neurone disease usually occur first within the arms or legs. Usually, the first symptoms are mild, and can include stumbling, dragging of the foot or difficulty gripping objects. Symptomsinclude progressive weakness, muscle wasting and spasticity or stiffness within the arms and legs. Muscle weakness and wasting within the muscles supplying the face and throat may also cause difficulties with speech, chewing and swallowing.
Within the advanced stages from the disease, an individual may become almost totally immobile. The rate of disease progression, however, varies enormously from person to person.
There are no periods of remission with motor neurone disease but individuals can experience a "plateau" of weeks as well as months where no deterioration occurs. Motor neurone disease generally doesn't have impact at all on memory or intellect. Motor neurone disease also offers no impact on sight, hearing, taste, smell, sensation or bladder and bowel function.

Diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease
Detecting motor neurone disease is made by aneurologist based on the good reputation for the symptoms along with a neurological examination. There isn't any diagnostic test for motor neurone disease. Other investigations might be performed to rule out other disorders that could present with similar symptoms to motor neurone disease.
Regardless of this, the diagnosis of motor neurone disease remains a clinical one. Once other diseases happen to be excluded, a rapid advancement of symptoms is a strong diagnostic factor. Even though progression of motor neurone disease may sometimes "plateau", it'll never resolve and can ultimately continue.

Physiotherapy for Motor Neurone Disease
Diagnosis of motor neurone disease can impact all aspects of the lives individuals and your loved ones. Through physiotherapy we try to keep your work, home and dating life as active as you possibly can.
Physiotherapy for motor neurone disease includes;
exercises and stretches
joint care
breathing exercises and chest clearance techniques
pain control
anticipating and minimising secondary complications of motor neurone disease
provision of apparatus, walking aids, orthoses and wheelchairs
advice for you personally and those caring for yourself on handling techniques and equipment
referral to appropriate health care professionals (eg. occupational therapy, speech and language therapy)
The results of physiotherapy could be:
increased quality of life
increased independence
increased levels of energy
reduced pain and muscle spasms
reduced chance of chest infections
reduced stiffness


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