Spinal Cord Injuries

A spinal-cord injury (SCI) is usually a consequence of trauma to the spine. This trauma leads to a complete or incomplete tear from the spinal cord leading to lack of sensation and muscle power underneath the level of the injury. Spinal-cord damage can also be because of other causes for example tumours and spina bifida. The aims of physiotherapy treatment will differ with regards to the level of your spinal-cord injury. Physiotherapy will help you reach and maintain your maximum physical potential and assist in the management of other facets of your condition. Physio realize that a spinal cord injury is really a life changing event and affects you and those around you. We could provide home, clinic and specialist gymnasium-based physiotherapy appointments. Hydrotherapy treatment methods are also available.
What is a Spinal-cord Injury?
A spinal-cord injury is a disturbance from the spinal cord that leads to loss of sensation and/or mobility. This disturbance, or section of damage, is commonly known as lesion.
There are two common reasons for spinal cord lesion:
1.Trauma (traffic accidents, falls etc.) 2. Disease (spina bifida, tumours etc
Kinds of Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal-cord injuries can be organised into two classes:
Complete lesion - no function, voluntary movement or physical sensation underneath the level of the lesion. Each side of the body will always be equally affected.
Incomplete lesion - the results are variable determined by the severity of the lesion. A person might have more functioning or movement somewhere of the body compared to other, or might be able to feel parts of the body that can't be moved.
In addition to a lack of sensation and motor function underneath the point of injury, people with spinal cord injuries will frequently experience other changes.
The results of Spinal Cord Injury
The results of a spinal cord injury are determined by the type and degree of the lesion. Effects are noticed below the level of a lesion and may present as a reduction or complete:
  • loss of sensation
  • loss of voluntary movement
  • loss of proprioception (understanding of joint position in space)
  • loss of bladder and bowel function
  • loss of sexual function
Individuals also commonly experience:
  • reduced capability to breathe deeply and
  • cough
  • pain
  • muscular spasms
Spinal-cord Injury Physiotherapy Treatment
The physiotherapy treatment you obtain will be dependent on your symptoms, your goals, and also the location and harshness of your spinal cord injury.
Physiotherapy for patients with spinal-cord injuries can include;

  • exercises and stretches
  • joint care
  • pain control
  • anticipating and minimising secondary complications
  • provision of apparatus, orthoses, and wheelchairs
  • advice for you personally and those caring for yourself on handling techniques
  • teaching you the way to use specialised fitness equipment
  • teach transfers (getting in and from a wheelchair, bed, car, shower/bath and onto and off a toilet).
  • teaching wheelchair skills hydrotherapy treatment
  • breathing exercises and chest clearance techniques referral to appropriate health care professionals

The effects of physiotherapy could be:

  • increased quality of life
  • increased independence
  • increased muscle strength
  • increased levels of energy
  • reduced pain and muscle spasms
  • reduced stiffness
  • reduced chance of chest infections
  • Using a spinal cord injury is really a life changing event for you and your loved ones. At Physio we try to make our treatment sessions effective and enjoyable. Many patients develop close relationships with this physiotherapists. This, combined with increased function and independence, allows our patients to guide as fulfilling lives as you possibly can.


  1. Chiropractic treatment is the only of its kind that focuses on correcting the misaligned spinal vertebrae that tends to be the root cause in most of body ailments. Thanks for the valuable information. Hope to see the next update soon.


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